Artist Statement

Artist Statement

In my approach to say my thoughts with my artworks I prefer adding modern techniques to the traditional ceramic forms and bodies. In this approach I want to make illusionary effects on my audiences’ perceptions by using possibilities of the ceramic material and mixed media.

My artworks sometimes take a critical view of social, political and cultural issues. My works reproduces familiar visual signs, arranging them into new conceptually layered pieces.

While I use a variety of materials and processes in each project my methodology is consistent. Although there may not always be material similarities between the different projects they are linked by recurring formal concerns and through the subject matter. I sometimes use glass, sometimes lenticular sheet or clay etc. layers on my ceramic artworks.

Each project often consists of multiple works, often in a range of different media, grouped around specific themes and meanings. During research and production new areas of interest arise and lead to the next body of work.